Food Allergies and Sensitivities
The district works closely with families to help manage their students’ food allergies and sensitivities. The risk of accidental exposure can be reduced if we work together to minimize risk of exposure. With the growing number of students with food allergies, we may have to prohibit food at any celebrations. But for now, we ask parents/guardians to inquire about food allergies and sensitivities in the classroom prior to sending in snacks for the class to enjoy. Please note that food processing procedures change frequently and as a result, labels change as well. What is safe for a student in September could be a serious risk at the yearend party. We encourage all staff members and parents of students with and without food allergies and sensitivities to work together to provide safe snack options for all students. For information regarding ingredient labeling, visit theFDA website at or the Parts of a Food Label document from the New Jersey Department of Health.