Section 8000 Operations
8110 - Attendance Areas
8130 - School Organization
8140 - Student Enrollments.pdf
8210 - School Year.pdf
8220 - School Day.pdf
8310 - Public Records
8320 - Personnel Records.pdf
8330 - Student Records.pdf
8335 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
8350 - Records Retention.pdf
8420 - Emergency and Crisis Situations.pdf
8431 - Preparedness for Toxic Hazard
8441 - Care of Injured and Ill Persons.pdf
8442 - Reporting Accidents
8451 - Control of Communicable Disease
8453 - HIV-AIDS 8454 - Management of Pediculosis.pdf
8461 - Reporting Violence Vandalism Harassment Intimidation Bullying Alcohol and Other Drug Offenses.pdf
8462 - Reporting Potentially Missing or Abused Children.pdf
8464 - Missing Children
8465 - Bias Crimes and Bias-Related Acts.pdf
8467 - Weapons
8468 - Crisis Response
8500 - Food Services.pdf
8505 - Local Wellness Policy.Nutrient Standards for Meals and Other Foods.pdf
8506 - Foodservice Biosecurity Plan.pdf
8507 - Breakfast Offer Versus Serve -OVS-.pdf
8508 - Lunch Offer Versus Serve -OVS-.pdf
8561 - Procurement Porcedures for School Nutrition Programs.pdf
8600 - Student Transportation.pdf
8601 - Pupil Supervision After School Dismissal
8611 - Non-Student Transportation
8613 - Waiver of Pupil Transportation
8630 - Bus Driver.Bus Aide Responsibility.pdf
8651 - Community Use of Transportation
8660 - Transportation by Private Vehicle
8670 - Transportation of Special Needs Students.pdf
8690 - Monitoring Devices on School Vehicles
8710 - Property Insurance
8740 - Bonding
8750 - Employee Indemnification
8760 - Pupil Accident Insurance
8770 - School Board Insurance Group
8820 - Opening Exercises
8860 - Memorials