Section 9000 Community
9120 - Public Information Program
9125 - Material Distribution to Students.pdf
9130 - Public Complaints and Grievances
9140 - Citizens Advisory Committees.pdf
9150 - School Visitors.pdf
9160 - Public Attendance at School Events
9161 - Crowd Control
9180 - School Volunteers - Family.pdf
9180.01 - School Volunteers - Non-Family.pdf
9190 - Community Organizations
9200 - Cooperation Between Parents and School
9210 - Parent Organizations.pdf
9230 - Parental Responsibilities
9240 - Rights of Parents
9242 - Use of Electronic Signatures.pdf
9260 - Parental Liability for Vandalism
9270 - Home Schooling and Equivalent Education Outside the Schools
9280 - Parent Conferences
9310 - Cooperation with Municipal Agencies
9320 - Cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies.pdf
9321 - Fingerprinting Pupils
9323 - Notification of Juvenile Offender Case Disposition.pdf
9324 - Sex Offender Registration and Notification
9340 - Cooperation with Public Library
9340 - Cooperation with Public Library
9400 - Media Relations.pdf
9500 - Cooperation with Educational Agencies
9541 - Student Teachers.Interns.pdf
9550 - Educational Research Projects
9560 - Administration of School Surveys.pdf
9700 - Special Interest Groups
9713 - Recruitment by Special Interest Groups.pdf
9720 - Solicitations by Vendors
9721 - Parent-Guardian Email Communication
9722 - School-Related Groups.pdf
9723 - Notarizing Documents
9724 - Community School.pdf