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Staff Directory List

1 2 3 > showing 1 - 100 of 262 constituents

Kristen Abbatemarco

Oxycocus School

Marcella Aboyoun

Intermediate School

Dawn Adams

Oxycocus School

Diana Adanatzian

McKinley Ave. School

Matthew Aires

McKinley Ave. School

Jacqueline Aliseo

McKinley Ave. School

Alison Allotta

Ocean Acres School

Jamie Armstrong

Oxycocus School

Thomas Bamber

Intermediate School

Megan Banach

McKinley Ave. School

Jessica Bayer

Ronald L. Meinders Primary Learning Center

Kaitlyn Bazerque

Intermediate School

Megan Beauchemin

McKinley Ave. School

Caitlin Becker

McKinley Ave. School

Alicia Bellissimo

Ocean Acres School

Liane Berardo

McKinley Ave. School

Nicole Bevacqua

Ocean Acres School

Kaley Bilardo

Oxycocus School

Brielle Bisogno

Intermediate School

Candace Blauvelt

Oxycocus School

James Blomquist

Intermediate School

Kelly Bodziak

McKinley Ave. School

Amanda Boeta

Oxycocus School

Anna Bohm

Ocean Acres School

Elizabeth Bradley

Ocean Acres School

Sarah Brady

McKinley Ave. School

Tiffany Brant

Ocean Acres School

Daniel Breslow

Intermediate School

Jocelyn Brown

Ocean Acres School

Nicole Brummer

Ronald L. Meinders Primary Learning Center

Julie Buck

McKinley Ave. School

Katherine Buckley

Ocean Acres School

Nadine Burgess

Intermediate School

Jeanne Marie Burke

Ocean Acres School

Stephanie Bush


Lisa Calantoni

Intermediate School

Lorryn Calicchio

Oxycocus School

Roxanne Callahan

Ronald L. Meinders Primary Learning Center

Rachel Callandriello

Ocean Acres School

Catherine Canaley

Ocean Acres School

Jeanie Carbone

Ronald L. Meinders Primary Learning Center

Nicole Cattelona

Oxycocus School

Kristin Cheeseman

McKinley Ave. School

Monica Choflet

McKinley Ave. School

Jenna Cipriano

McKinley Ave. School

Tiffanie Colecchia

McKinley Ave. School

Heather Colucci

McKinley Ave. School

Janet Conforti

Ronald L. Meinders Primary Learning Center

Jennifer Cooney

Ocean Acres School

Jennifer Cooney

Ocean Acres School

Thomas Costello

Intermediate School

Trisha Costello

Oxycocus Elementary School

Kenneth Costigan

Ocean Acres School

Stefani Cracchiolo

Ocean Acres School

Kathy Cruz

McKinley Ave. School, Intermediate School

Amy D'Agostino

Intermediate School

Susan D'Alessandro

Ocean Acres School

Andrea Dante

Ocean Acres School

Mary Darmody

Ronald L. Meinders Primary Learning Center

Maura Davis

Ocean Acres School

Susanne Davis

McKinley Ave. School

Madison Dean

Intermediate School

Ashley DeBella-McNemer

Oxycocus School

Crystal DeFilippis

McKinley Ave. School

Jessica DeFillippo

Ocean Acres School

Madison Denise

McKinley Ave. School

Kristi Deren

Intermediate School

Jenna Derion

Intermediate School

Kimberly Dillard

Ronald L. Meinders Primary Learning Center

Kelly Dillon

Intermediate School

Mark Dillon

McKinley Ave. School

Daniel DiPasquale

Intermediate School

Sherry Dohn

McKinley Ave. School

Carol Doran

Ocean Acres School

Sarah Dreher

McKinley Ave. School

Jennifer DuBois

McKinley Ave. School

Kristin Ducker

Intermediate School

Tiffany Eberle

McKinley Ave. School

Kerry Eck'Art

McKinley Ave. School

Alyssa Elia-Way

Oxycocus School

Scott Entrikin

Ocean Acres School

Shannon Farrell

Intermediate School

Lidia Fastnacht

Intermediate School

Jessica Fedor

Ocean Acres School

Kelley Flynn

Stafford Intermediate School

Kelley Flynn

Intermediate School

Jullian Frangipani

Ocean Acres Elementary School

Janeen Fritz-Wegryn

Intermediate School

Victoria Frost

Ocean Acres School

Megan Galeotafiore

Oxycocus School

Tracey Gallacher

Intermediate School

Shannon Gallagher

McKinley Ave. School

Ashley Garcia-Romero

Ocean Acres School

Danielle Garris

Oxycocus School

Jacqueline Geardino

Intermediate School

Victoria Georgeson

Intermediate School

Alexandra Georgieff

Ocean Acres School

Summer Gigerian

McKinley Ave. School

Caitlin Gioe

McKinley Ave. School, Intermediate School